Women's Ministry serves as a support to those women who work outside of the home, homemakers, those with children, single mothers and single women. The primary focus is to provide encouragement, love, and to draw women closer to Jesus
Each quarter a LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) gathering is planned. This is a time set aside for fellowship which allows ladies to get to know one another on a more personal level.
Worship & Praise Hour
Each Wednesday night is a service of Worship, Praise and focused bible study on specific topics offered to enable women to experience worship together. This evening is a wonderful opportunity to share needs and concerns that relate to women.
Secret Pals
Twice a year, for those who choose to participate, names are drawn for Secret Pals. During this six month period each lady is to remember her secret pal through prayer and gift giving on special days
Women's Retreats
The highlight of the year for the women is the Annual Women's Retreat in the mountains. This life-changing weekend will challenge your walk with the Lord and build lasting friendships.
Also, during the fall a District Women's Conference is held for the Central California areas churches.
Just For Women