First Church has a very active Senior Adult Ministry (SAMS); those adults that have reach the age of 55 are encouraged to be a part of the many activities that are offered.  Some of the events that occur throughout the year are:
_ Monthly Social Gathering
_ Quarterly Zone Social
_ District Retreat
_ Teen Prayer Partners
_ Campbell's Soup Labels
_ Cookie Call Ministry
One of the major efforts  during the year for the SAMS is the collection of Campbell's soup labels which are used to purchase new vans for an Indian reservation school.
Sunday School
Our adult Sunday school department is constantly looking for ways to meet the various needs of today's adult; Whether it is a video series on parenting, a class designed to strengthen parent - teen relationships, or a basic study of God's Word.
_ Growing Kids God's Way
_ Body Building Encouragement Class
_ Koinonia Bible Study Class
_ Ambassadors Bible Study Class
Care Ministries
In order to insure that all our church families are given personal attention and care in the best possible way, we have organized and instituted our Lay Pastor Care Ministry.  Each of our church families is assigned to a specific Lay Pastor and Group.  The Lay Pastors contact all absentees of their group to see if there is sickness, a specific need for prayer or any other need.  The Lay Pastors work closely with our Pastoral staff and have upon their hearts the spiritual and physical welfare if their families.
Throughout the year there are several district retreats available to meet various needs, Laymen's Retreat is for adults, Solocon is for single adults, and Niroga is for senior adults.